Resultados: EVOLVE 95 - (15/10/17)

Singles Match: Shane Mercer venceu Mikey Webb.

Singles Match: Jarek 1-20 venceu Brandon Watts.

Singles Match: Dominic Garrini venceu Cyrus Satin.

Singles Match: Austin Theory venceu Jason Kincaid.

Singles Match: Keith Lee venceu Darby Allin.

EVOLVE Tag Team Championship 3-Way Elimination Match: Doom Patrol (Chris Dickinson & Jaka) (c) venceram The Gymnasty Boyz (Timmy Lou Retton & White Mike) and The Ugly Ducklings (Lance Lude & Rob Killjoy)

PAPW Heavyweight Championship Match: Richard Holiday (c) venceu RJ Rude.

Singles Match: Fred Yehi venceu Matt Riddle.

EVOLVE Championship Match: Zack Sabre Jr. (c) venceu Tracy Williams.

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