Resultados: RevPro Live At The Cockpit 16 - (07/05/17)

6-Man Tag Team Match: Ashley Dunn, Josh Wall & Kurtis Chapman venceram Ash Draven, Cara Noir & Malik.

Singles Match: Zack Gibson venceu Ryan Smile.

Singles Match: Jinny venceu Alex Windsor.

Singles Match: Donovan Dijak venceu Josh Bodom.

RevPro British Tag Team Championship Match: CCK (Chris Brookes & Travis Banks) venceram The London Riots (James Davis & Rob Lynch)

Singles Match: Gideon Grey venceu Eddie Dennis.

Tag Team Match: Dan Magee & RJ Singh venceram Rob Lias & Sha Samuels.

Singles Match: Marty Scurll venceu Kyle O'Reilly.

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