Resultados: TNA iMPACT Wrestling - (13/04/17)

3-Way Tag Team Match: Reno SCUM (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend) venceram Decay (Abyss & Crazzy Steve) and Garza Jr. & Laredo Kid.

Tag Team Match: Allie & Braxton Sutter venceram KM & Sienna.

Singles Match: Davey Richards (c/Angelina Love) venceu DJ Z.

Singles Match: Rosemary venceu Santana Garrett.

4-Way Match: Andrew Everett venceu Gregory Shane Helms and Marshe Rockett and Suicide.

8-Man Tag Team Match: Team Jeremy Borash (Alberto El Patron, Chris Adonis, Magnus & Matt Morgan) venceram Team Josh Mathews (Bobby Lashley, Bram, Eli Drake & Tyrus)

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