SeguirTyler Breeze respondeu recentemente a várias perguntas de fãs no Twitter, com algumas respostas interessantes e engraçadas. Confira:
I was looking at NXT clips from @MmmGorgeous, and all I can say is "what went wrong? You had potential"
@MmmGorgeous funny. you're tapping to a diva's submission lol
Cardio Q and A what u got?
@MmmGorgeous Favourite part about being in WWE?
Cardio Q and A what u got?
@MmmGorgeous why aren't you and fandango tag champs yet?
Cardio Q and A what u got?
@MmmGorgeous favorite match from your time in NXT?
@MmmGorgeous Would u betray Fandango to advance your career?
@MmmGorgeous who is your favorite RAW woman wrestler??
Fonte: All About Wrestling
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