Resultados: WC Tough Act To Follow - (14/01/17)

Singles Match: KO Cox venceu Greg Zerockis.

Singles Match: Space Monkey venceu Jervis Cottonbelly.

Tag Team Match: Aaron Solow & Ricky Starks venceram Laredo Kid & Rey Fenix.

Singles Match: Christi Jaynes venceu Allie Kat.

Singles Match: Moose venceu Jeff Cobb.

WC Sideshow Championship 5-Way Match: Scorpio Sky (c) venceu Ethan
Page and Gregory James and Jordan Len-X and Willie Mack.

Texas Bullrope Match: Jax Dane venceu Carson.

Tag Team Match: The Killer Elite Squad (Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance
Archer) venceram The Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)

Singles Match: Sammy Guevara venceu Shane Strickland.

4-Way Match: Rachel Ellering venceu Delilah Doom and Jessicka Havok
and Leva Bates.

WC Ringmaster Championship (vago) Match: Brian Cage venceu Michael
Elgin - Com essa vitória Brian Cage se tornou o novo WC Ringmaster
Champion, pela 1º vez em sua carreira !!!

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