Ontem, 27 de Outubro, tivemos mais um evento da empresa norte-americana FW. Confira os resultados abaixo:
6-Way Match: Matt Cage venceu Anthony Henry and Ethan Case and Shawn Phoenix and Stephen Wolf and Suede Thompson.
Singles Match: Suge D venceu Ethan Page - Via DQ.
Tag Team Match: Christian Rose & Ethan Page venceram GPA & Suge D.
Singles Match: Stevie Fierce venceu Rob Matter.
6-Man Tag Team Match: Alex Ohlson, Isaias Velazquez & Mr. 450 venceram Team BETA (Craig Mitchell, Kenny Sutra & Matt Knicks)
6-Man Tag Team Match: Brubaker, Colby Corino & Kobe Durst venceram Colt Cabana, Dick Justice & The Space Monkey.
FW Championship Match: Prince Mustafa Ali (c) venceu Lio Rush.
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