Resultados: PCW Road To Glory 2016 - Show 1 - (05/02/16)

Ontem, 05 de Fevereiro, tivemos mais um evento da empresa britânica PCW. Confira os resultados abaixo:

Road To Glory Tournament 2016 First Round Match: Mr. Anderson venceu Luther Ward.

Road To Glory Tournament 2016 First Round Match: Rampage Brown venceu Chris Dickinson.

Road To Glory Tournament 2016 First Round Match: Drew Galloway venceu Martin Kirby.

Road To Glory Tournament 2016 First Round Match: Noam Dar venceu Timothy Thatcher.

Road To Glory Tournament 2016 First Round Match: Matt Hardy venceu Lionheart - Via Count Out.

Road To Glory Tournament 2016 First Round Match: Billy Gunn venceu Joey Hayes.

Road To Glory Tournament 2016 First Round Match: T-Bone venceu Tajiri.

Tag Team Match: Iestyn Rees & Sha Samuels venceram Dave Mastiff & Dave Rayne.

Road To Glory Tournament 2016 First Round Match: El Ligero venceu Bubblegum.

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