Resultados: ROH "Reloaded Tour" 29/08/15

Ontem, 29 de Agosto, tivemos mais um show da ROH Reloaded Tour. Confira os resultados abaixo:

Singles Match: Cedric Alexander venceu Corey Hollis.

Tag Team Match: The Kingdom "Matt Taven & Michael Bennett" c/Maria Kanellis venceram Takaaki Watanabe & Will Ferrara.

Tag Team Match: War Machine "Hanson & Ray Rowe" venceram ACH & Matt Sydal.

Singles Match: Michael Elgin venceu Adam Page c/BJ Whitmer. Via Count Out.

Singles Match: Mark Briscoe venceu The Romantic Touch.

Singles Match: Roderick Strong venceu Caprice Coleman.

Singles Match: Jay Briscoe vs. Moose c/Stokely Hathaway - No Contest.

Tag Team Match: Jay Briscoe & Moose c/Stokely Hathaway venceram Adam Page & Cedric Alexander.

Six Man Tag Team Match: Adam Cole, Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly venceram Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian & Jay Lethal c/Truth Martini.

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