Resultados: ROH "Aftershock Tour" 25/07/15

Ontem, 25 de Julho, tivemos mais um show da ROH Aftershock Tour. Confira os resultados abaixo:

Singles Match: ACH venceu Takaaki Watanabe.

Tag Team Match: War Machine "Hanson & Ray Rowe" venceram The House Of Truth "Donovan Dijak & J. Diesel" c/Truth Martini.

Singles Match: Adam Page c/BJ Whitmer venceu Wrestler Local.

Tag Team Match: The Kingdom "Matt Taven & Michael Bennett" c/Maria Kanellis venceram reDRagon "Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly."

Singles Match: Dalton Castle venceu Silas Young.

Singles Match: Moose c/Stokely Hathaway venceu Will Ferrara.

Tag Team Match: The Young Bucks "Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson" venceram Roppongi Vice "Beretta & Rocky Romero."

Tag Team Match: Nuclear Kaasarole "Chase Brown & Peter Kaasa" venceram Team Local.

Tag Team Match: The Briscoes "Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe" venceram The Bloodbound Warriors "Grey Wolf & Red Scorpion."

Singles Match: Roderick Strong venceu Donovan Dijak c/Truth Martini.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match: The Addiction "Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian" (c) venceram Future Shock "Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly."

Singles Match: Jay Briscoe venceu Adam Page c/BJ Whitmer. Via DQ.

Singles Match: Caprice Coleman veneu Cedric Alexander c/Veda Scott.

Grudge Match: Cheeseburger venceu Bob Evans. Via Count Out.

ROH World Television Championship Match: Jay Lethal c/Truth Martini) (c) venceu Hanson.

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